"And so good night unto you all..."
Epilogue, "A Midsummer Night's Dream,"
It was a pleasure performing for you this summer. We played 7 shows in 6 venues for 2000 people, we worked our ass-heads off, and we had tons of fun in the process.
The LawnChair company is filled with gratitude for our fans, friends, sponsors, supporters, and especially our audiences.
We hope to see you again; we'll be the ones onstage, and you'll be on the lawn.
Love & Shakespeare,
Peter Green, Artistic Director
A Midsummer Night's Queen - The Company
Director: Mat Young
Arranger/Music Supervisor: Keith Levenson
Musical Director: Lisa Spielman
Executive Producer: Carin Zakes
Technical Director: Jac-que Robinson
Choreographer: Kelly Nayden
Stage Manager: Julie Saito
Combat Choreographer: River Glassberg
Assistant Producer: Zachary Slocumb
Costumers: Suzanne Hall-Fritsch, Cynthia Lambertson
Website: Rachel Schulte, Betsy Wilkowski
Poster Design: Serge Ghio
Live Aid Graphic Designer: Betsy Wilkowski
Sound Assistant: Ellie Bachelder
Music Intern: Jia Binder
Social Media: Rachel Schulte, Julie Saito, Cynthia Lambertson, Zachary Slocumb
House Management: Karen Zuckert
Publicity& Press: Ann Peterson
Hippolyta/Titania: Julie Thaxter-Gourlay
Theseus/Oberon: Lawrence Reina
Egeus: Phyllis Lindy
Hermia: Nikki Neurohr
Helena: Sally Rose Zuckert
Lysander: Noam Ben Yakir
Demetrius: River Glassberg
Quince: Shelley Lepetich
Flute: Chris Nigro
Snout: Kate Henerey
Snug: Charlotte Roth
Starveling: Neil Schleifer
Bottom: Mat Young
Puck: Rachel Schulte
Cobweb: Monique Castillo
Peaseblossom: Jenny Maso
Moth: Sara DeFelice
Mustardseed: Cynthia Lambertson
Arwen: Abigail Zuckert
Tinkerbell: Claire Kenny
Keyboards: Keith Levenson
Guitar: Kevin Kuhn
Bass: Randy Landau
Drums: Warren Odze
Magical Voices:
Regina Elliott
Maris Quagliata
Lisa Spielman